Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thanks Uncle Sam

Last night I did my part to stimulate the economy. Most of my economic incentive check will be donated to the dentist for a crown on my tooth, but that just didn't seem all that fun. So I went to the store and came home with this:

It was already wrapped. Wrapped or unwrapped was the same price...why pass up the opportunity to get a piece of ribbon I can use on another package! What is underneath that beautiful ribbon?

The panini maker Oprah had on her favorite things 2007 list! No I do not have unlimited storage space in the kitchen, so the breadmaker that never gets used is on it's way to Goodwill...


La Mama Naturale' said...

Hi thanks for stopping by and entering the giveaway! Have a great day.

gina said...

fun- and I never thought to use the free gift wrap service even if it was for me- good thinking. ;)

Stephanie said...

I love panini! My mouth is watering...

elexisb said...

Hi Mattie, You won the giveaway on my blog for the fabric covered magnets and thumbtacks. Congrats! Look for an email from me.

Sweet Pea Cakes Etc. Blog said...

Hi there! Thank you for stopping by Sweet Pea Cakes,etc. Blog to enter the contest for the $50 gift certificate! You WON! So if you could please email me your address I will mail out the gift certificate! Thanks! sweetpeacakesetc (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...


I love Panini's!

Thanks so much for stopping by my site and leaving some good blogger advice!

Happy sandwich making!